In this first volume (2020) of the SOUL JOURNEYS series by experienced quantum hypnosis practitioner Mario Radinger, the Superconscious of his clients takes you on a unique and exciting selection of reincarnational adventures through time and space!
Experience in vivid and emotional ways how a Soul's past incarnations can influence the current life and how essential metaphysical concepts greatly influence our human existence on Earth...
In this first volume (2020) of the SOUL JOURNEYS series by experienced quantum hypnosis practitioner Mario Radinger, the Superconscious of his clients takes you on a unique and exciting selection of reincarnational adventures through time and space!
Experience in vivid and emotional ways how a Soul's past incarnations can influence the current life and how essential metaphysical concepts greatly influence our human existence on Earth...
This spring, to the excitement of many fans of Dolores Cannon, Ozark Mountain Publishing published one of the manuscripts she had been working on before her death. Once again, Mario was commissioned to do the official German translation.
HORNS OF THE GODDESS (2023) has been available in paperback since March 1st. It takes us back to the time of the Druids and provides fascinating insights into the lifestyles and dangers of the initiates of the time ...
Mario was commissioned as the official German translator of his teacher Dolores Cannon's brilliant and spectacular last completed book right before her transition: THE SEARCH FOR HIDDEN SACRED KNOWLEDGE (2015).
This is an absolute must-read for anyone who is interested in the ancient mystery schools, the secret knowledge that was taught in them, and the keepers who practiced and protected it - often with their own lives...